The Master is a drama film written, directed, and co-produced by Paul Thomas Anderson. It was given the green-light in May 2011, and began filming in June 2011. The film stars Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Adams, and Laura Dern.The Master is scheduled for release on September 14, 2012 by The Weinstein Company in the United States and Canada.The film will have its premiere at the 69th Venice International Film Festival in September 2012. The Master Download Link !!!
The Master details :
Release date(s) : September 14, 2012 (United States) .
Running time : 137 minutes .
Country : United States .
Language : English .
Budget : $35 million .
The Master Story line :
A charismatic intellectual (Hoffman) launches a religious organization following World War II. A drifter (Phoenix) becomes his right-hand man but as the faith begins to gain a fervent following, the drifter finds himself questioning the belief system and his mentor.
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